Text Analysis Products
kPhrase -- Key Phrase Extractor
kPhrase identifies and extracts important terms and phrases from a wide
variety of texts in a large number of languages.
kPhrase can be seen in action at InfoNetware Internet search portal
(www.infonetware.com) where it is
used to build a term index for browsing through large document sets.
XTractor -- Information Extraction Engine
XTractor is an engine which sifts through
large volumes of texts and creates database records for the objects which
are mentioned in the text, such as people, organizations, locations,
vehicles, etc. And most importantly, XTractor
identifies the key relationships or links between the objects that it finds.
tNORM -- Text Normalization Tool
tNORM is a tool which segments text
into sentences and disambiguates sentence starting words whether
they are proper names and should be left capitalized or they
just common words and should be downcased. You can try
tNORM for yourself in an interactive
tTAG/tCHUNK -- Linguistic Analysis Toolkit
Words can belong to different syntactic categories in different
contexts. tTAG assigns the right
reading for a word given the context and tCHUNK groups individual words into
syntactic structures. You can try tTAG/tCHUNK for yourself in an
interactive demo.
Here you can download evaluation version of tTAG/tCHUNK
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